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building new impoundment
New culverts replace single crushed culvert, eliminating ponding in feed alley
Flared end sections and concrete armor help reduce erosion at outfall
New HDPE-lined impoundment
Road elevated to divert runoff to impoundment
Dual-walled HDPE pipes before riprap armoring is installed
Riprap armor installed at outlet to minimize erosion
New impoundment with external berm to divert clean water
New drainage culvert and swale seeded and mulched to minimize erosion
Excavation to determine lithology and depth to groundwater
Slab at new impoundment inlet facilitates solid setting while allowing unimpeded vehicle access along road
Armored plunge pool below steep pipe drop
Fabricated drop structure to be installed between settling channel and new impoundment
Erosion control seeding and mulching
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